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I Love a Good Story

How can you tell if someone read the book before seeing the movie? Don’t worry. They’ll tell you. As a general rule, you can always...

How my Favorite Disney Princess Changed

Princess Jasmine is my favorite Disney Princess. Let me say that again. Princess Jasmine is my favorite Disney Princess and has been...

Medium Matters

I just got a new DSLR. It was a very generous birthday present from my parents. I love it. It took a little bit of time to get used to,...

Rules For Dating

Talk about the blind dating the blind, every time I try to write anything about dating or one of the teenage girls I work with at camp...

Case File: The Troubling Tribble Mystery

It was a sunny Friday afternoon when I stopped off at the office. Just a quiet day out at camp, getting ready for our June board meeting,...


I once had some friends come to visit me from 100 miles away. This was supposed to be fun. Instead, one of them, the one who drove,...

Solitude As A Spiritual Discipline

They used to say that lighthouse keepers went mad because of solitude. That was probably some of it, solitude is difficult, I think it...

The Kind of Woman I Want to be

Whenever I watch a movie that has a Lara Croft, Wonder Woman, Black Widow, leather clad, gun toting, crime fighting, martial arts female...


(As honest of a post as I can write about how I feel aimless) A friend said to me once, "all hikes in Washington lead to overlooks and...


I have been hanging out on occasion with a guy who is an aerospace engineer. What he does isn't actually important to the friendship, but...

On Writing

Did you know that Lord of the Rings was released 12 years after The Hobbit? At the beginning of 2014 I had a great idea for a novel...


Can I tell you a secret? I feel like an impostor most of the time. I don’t mean that I have impostor syndrome. I am not faking my job and...

Walking Alone

The other day a friend of mine went out for sushi... alone. Something she had never done before. Something she was so proud of herself...

This one is about an uncomfortable topic

He leaned over me and kissed my neck, a jolt of electricity arced through my body, running down my spine… He was the first person that I...

What Happened to Christian Music

This is a call to the Christian Artists of my generation. The 30 something, millennials, the gen-exers, even the Z's. What are we doing?...

Divine Providence

God takes joy in our joy. I know that much about God and nothing else. For years I have wondered what possible use God could have for my...

Train them up in the way they should go

I have been thinking a lot lately about generational conflict. Specifically, about how I feel like I was failed by previous generations,...

Hope in the Hurt

I hurt all of the time and, quite frankly, I am done praying about it. I have spent a year and a half, and somewhere around $5000, going...

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