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  • Writer's pictureKatrina J. Daroff

The Pacific Science Center

I don't care who you are, or what you do, NOTHING will ever be cooler than dinosaurs.

Do you know where you can find dinosaurs in Seattle? The Pacific Science Center.

Oh... they also have space stuff and other science things... if you like that sort of thing too.

My first trip to the Pacific Science Center was during the summer of 2017 when the Terra Cotta Warriors were in town. I had to go by myself because everyone I knew had either already gone to see them or pointedly did not care about that kind of thing. That's fine, I am intrepid and can do things by myself and it gave me more time to freak out about dinosaurs without people wanting to go look at other things that are less cool.

So, the Pacific Science Center. This is a place that is mostly aimed at kids. You know, people who haven't demonstrated a complete lack of aptitude for science and can, therefore, still be saved. I demonstrated a lack of aptitude for science when I was young, mostly I don't think I was taught science very well, but I still think a lot of that stuff is really cool so I fall into the other group of people that it is aimed at, people who think museums and interactive exhibits are cool.

Almost everything in the Pacific Science Center is interactive. There is medical science, space, earth science, dinosaurs, and an imax theater. The bring in cool travelling exhibits like the Terra Cotta Wariors. In general it is just a cool place that allows you to interact with it and be in the space, unlike many museums that are a little more hands off.

There is also the butterfly pavilion.

Okay, directly interacting with butterflies makes me a little nervous. I'm afraid they are going to bite me, I don't know why (maybe it is because I secretly think they are fairies which are actually quite mischievous creatures). I'm also afraid I m going to make a mistake and accidentally kill them or damage their wings. It is a lot of pressure being in a butterfly pavilion because I feel like a giant who has been asked to walk through a city without crushing it. I've seen most of the Godzilla movies and that is not usually how it works out. Still, the butterfly pavilion is beautiful and once you are allowed in you get to stay as long as you like, resting on benches and enjoying the flutter or wings going by. If they did not have dinosaurs this would be my favorite part of the Pacific Science Center.

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