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  • Writer's pictureKatrina J. Daroff

Seattle Speakeasies

Possibly my favorite thing about living near Seattle is the speakeasy scene. If you don't know a speakeasy was a secret bar during prohibition but they still exist today, without the threat of raids. They are secret bars that require you to jump through a few hoops just to get in. They are pretentious and trendy AND they make me feel like a time traveler so I love them. Seattle has some cool ones. In the spirit of a speak easy I am just going to give you their names for now.

Percy's and Co

The Backdoor

The Tin Lizzie Lounge

Knee High Stocking Co

The Needle and Thread

The Hideout

The Upstairs

Bath Tub Gin and Co

Zig Zag Cafe

E Smith Mercantile

The Pharmacy

Smith Tower Temperance Cafe and Bar

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