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  • Writer's pictureKatrina J. Daroff

Seattle Bucket List

Still working on being a tourist in your hometown? That's okay. Here to help is my Seattle Bucket List (Or Everything I want to do in Seattle).

Seattle Underground

Fremont Troll

Seattle Metaphysical Library

MoPop (Museum of Pop Culture)

UPS Waterfall Garden

Sound Garden

Space Needle

Greenwood Space Travel Supply Co

Kubota Gardens

Seattle Meowtropolitan Cafe

Seattle Pinball Museum

Red Hall at Seattle's Central Library

Dandelion Botanical Company

Gasworks Park

Full Tilt Ice Cream and Pinball Arcade

Edith Macefield's House

Magnusen Park Fin Art

Fremont Bridge

Smith Tower

Seattle Cafe with piece of The Berlin Wall

Freeway Park

Majestic Bay Theater

Hi-life/Fire Station #18

Pac Man Park

Lenin Statue of Freemont

Carl S. English Jr Botanical Gardens

Center of the Universe

Old Ballard Liquor Co

Bergen Place Park and Mural

Salty Dog Pottery Studio

Carnegie Public Library

World Flight Monument

Seattle Official Bad Art Museum


Seattle Science Center

Poetry Garden

Woodland Park Zoo

Green Lake

Golden Gardens

Seattle Art Mueum

The Paramount

The Fifth Avenue Theater

Molly Moons

Lucky for me, Seattle is kind of a trendy town with a lot of interesting things to see.

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