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  • Writer's pictureKatrina J. Daroff

Golden Gardens

Ballard (Seattle).

This is my favorite place in Seattle.

To be fair, I love the beach. The happiest I ever am is when I am close to the sea and the most unhappy I have ever been was living in a place where I was landlocked (and all of you Utah people had better not go trying to say "but the Great Salt Lake is basically a sea" because we both know it isn't and you are landlocked). So, me saying that a public beach on the Puget Sound is my favorite place in Seattle should not be surprising in the least.

I love this place. It has a dog park, a large grassy space where you can play Frisbee, a few volleyball courts, AND a great big sandy beach to stretch out on and enjoy a summer beach day. It is just about perfect.

I'll grant, the sound is not always the nicest place to go swimming and if you do not like kelp being around you then you might not want to swim here (but you are going to find that problem at every beach in the Seattle area). There is still a lot of fun to be had at this beautiful spot. It is right next to a marina and you might be lucky enough to watch a sailboat race or you can build a fire in one of the fire pits and snuggle with your friends.

Mostly, it is just a beautiful spot that you should look up but maybe wait to dive in until the weather gets warmer.

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