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  • Writer's pictureKatrina J. Daroff

Fremont Solstice Fair

So... you know the scene in Mulan where she accidentally ends up seeing a bunch of her friends naked and then says that she never wants to see another naked man again. Immediately a whole group of naked men runs by her. That's what the Fremont Solstice Parade felt like. I

I just underestimated how many people would be willing to ride their bikes naked through the streets of Seattle.

Part of the purpose of my Hometown Tourist pursuits has been to explore the place I call home more. Over the course of the last year I had a big health scare and I became keenly aware of the fact that I cannot do all of the things all of the time and also that I don't know if I will be able for the rest of my life to do the things I want to do. So, when my friend Emily told me she would be going to the fair I thought that was the perfect kind of event to go to and explore more of what makes the Pacific Northwest the Pacific Northwest. Plus, I always enjoy the opportunity to see local artists and what they do.

I think a parade and fair is the best opportunity to get to know a place. You get to see local crafts and the things that people in a community get excited about. You should, however be aware of the kind of fair and parade you are going to. Because... really... I severely underestimated the number of people in Seattle who are willing to ride their bikes naked through the streets.

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