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  • Writer's pictureKatrina J. Daroff

Chilhully Glass Gardens

Seattle Center.

I am Alice and this place is Wonderland.

To be honest, Alice in Wonderland freaked me out as a child, it is not a story I am into. I didn't like the idea of a nonsensical place that didn't obey any of the rules and logic I understood. I was not into it and the idea of being trapped some place like that gave me nightmares for a long time. I am getting away from the subject though. If there is a place in Seattle that feels like going to a magical and somewhat nonsensical land it is the Chihully Glass Gardens at City Center (just at the base of the Space Needle, you can't miss it), but unlike Wonderland it is the kind of magical world I want to get lost in and explore.

Let's start with a little history. Dale Chihully is (or was, he is in his late 70s now and I think has retired, as much as any artist ever retires) a world renowned glass artist from Tacoma. He spent most of his life creating beautiful and interesting glass sculptures. So it is only natural that he would have artwork all of Seattle and Tacoma. AND I LOVE IT!

The Chihully Glass Gardens in Seattle include several different kinds of exhibits to show off the artwork that he has created over the years and the way he has differed from traditional glass blowing and then outside is a beautiful garden featuring several large installations that turn an ordinary garden into a magical, otherworldly place.

If you are in Seattle for any amount of time the Chihully Glass Gardens has to be on your list because it is beautiful and magical and filled with color.

A few notes, if you go in the winter you may not want to check your coat since some of the best parts are outside. Watch all of the videos at the end of the circuit because they are super interesting. If you can manage it, go on a sunny day because Chihully was basically a wizard and really know what to do with beautiful light.

It is also definitely the right place to take a date. Take my advice on this one.

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