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Lost Keys

(As it appears in Silhouettes of Stardust) I wasn't always like this. This garden once held vibrant colors, flowers that thrive in full...

I've Been Writing Poetry

I’ve been writing poetry, Or rather Poetry has been writing me. Coupled lines flow into my pores Covering my skin in Thick Blue Ink.

Magic in the Night Sky

(As Published in Silhouettes of Stardust) There is a magic in the night sky between midnight and dawn. The hours when dreams are made....

Ink Blots

(As Published in Silhouettes of Stardust) My thoughts of you bled into all of my pursuits. Waterlogged ink blotting the page. I sought...


I like the idea of nude photography. I like not hiding Under your clothes Or the images others have of you. It strips away everything...


Studies show that people fall in love most often when wearing red. They all claim that the color red does something to our partner’s...


The sky is not only one color. I imagine it blue, like my first love's eyes, fading grey as memories dim. Winter whispers of rain and...

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