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  • Writer's pictureKatrina J. Daroff

Why You Need an Instant Camera

Updated: Jan 4, 2021

Okay, I will be the first to admit that an instant camera is not good enough to be your only camera but neither is your phone so hear me out.

The next camera you buy should be an instant camera. They aren't expensive and there are a lot of different brands on the market, not just your classic Polaroid, so it shouldn't be too hard to find the one for you. I personally have an Instax Mini 9 (it is lime green and has a mirror on the front which is actually a nice feature). I have had it for... a while now and it remains one of my favorite things in the world.

Unlike a digital camera, where you get to see your image immediately an instant camera prints out a small photo that develops over the next five minutes. Let me say that again, it prints your picture right then. You have in your hand a picture of you and your friend, or that great animal, or vista that you saw that you can then put up on your wall, or in a little album, or frame in a collage of memories. As someone who LOVES surrounding herself with photos and memories that alone is reason enough to drop a hundred dollars on a camera that looks a little like a toy.

What I find best about my instant camera is its limitations. Instant cameras print out the image which means you have to put in a pack of pictures and each pack only has about 10 shots. Since you have to buy your camera's specific film (no cross brand compatibility) film can get a little expensive. You might see that as a detractor but I don't. It puts a price tag on every picture and forces me to think about if I really want that particular shot. It is the same reason I like working with my film camera, I think that the medium you use matters to how you think about every shot and that film, even instant film, forces a sense of intentionalality in your photography.

I love my instant camera. I have taken it to weddings, hiking trips, amusement parks, the beach, and I always come away with pictures that I love. I even did a project 365, where you take a picture every day for a whole year, with my Instax. It is also the first item I ever pack when I go on a trip. I really like traveling with it because it allows me to make connections with locals I wouldn't be able to and to give a very simple gift.

Honestly, we should be collecting memories and not things so if you are interested in a fun way to collect and hold on to memories then I highly recommend getting a little instant camera and carrying it everywhere. You won't regret it. I don't.

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