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  • Writer's pictureKatrina J. Daroff

On Trusting God (Part 2)

I told you God has been teaching me a lot about trust, specifically trusting God, this last year. Skydiving wasn't my only opportunity to learn about that.

Back on the Ground

Jumping when you are told to is not the only way we trust God.

I had the opportunity to go to Peru for New Years Eve and explore Machu Picchu. That is where I met Sally.

Sally was the leader of my tour group. She took us all over Peru and I trusted that woman with my life. Honestly, I wish I trusted God the way I trusted Sally but I'm getting ahead of myself.

On the day before New Years Eve I got up with the rest of my group and walked to the train to Machu Picchu and tried to board it. Until we were told we couldn't board our train and were ushered into a small coffee shop by platform, all forty of us. It took a few minutes of us all looking around at each other until one of my companions pulled out his ticket and said, "uh oh."

The rest of us pulled out our tickets. Departure, 9:00 December 30, 2019. 2019. It was 2018. There had been a mistake at the company's corporate office. Sally came hurrying in and told us about the mistake and said that she was calling in all of her contacts to get us there in time. So I didn't get stressed.

Then we got a text in the group chat. "The trains are booked through January 4." The day we were supposed to leave Peru. I picked up my bag and put it on my back. Sally is going to get us there. She would tell us what the new plan was any minute.

Ollantaytambo while waiting for the train

Sometimes in life you have a plan. You have an expectations of how things are supposed to go because it is the way things are supposed to work. And then, it doesn't work. There is an obstacle that makes that plan impossible and panic sets in. Or worse, frustration.

There have been some things in my life that I have been certain God had promised I would do. Then I come across an obstacle that made it seem like I would not be able to reach it. And I get mad at God. I don't pick up my bag and say, God is going to get me there we're just going to go a different route. It just might take a little longer.

A text came in from Sally 2 minutes later. "But I got us on a train that leaves at 11:00."

It worked out to be about a 4 hour delay to get to Machu Picchu but at NO POINT did I doubt that Sally was going to get me there. I was told I was going to Machu Picchu so I was going to get to Machu Picchu. I doubt God all of the time when an obstacle comes up. I know that God keeps promises. I know that God will get us where were are supposed to be whether or not we face an obstacle or things don't go the way we expect. Why do I have so much more trust in Sally than I do in God? God is going to get me there. I just have to pick up my bag and say, "okay." And I'll get there.

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