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  • Writer's pictureKatrina J. Daroff

Katie Noble Dragon Slayer

Updated: Jan 4, 2021

My best coping mechanism, when my life feels a bit overwhelming is “Katie Noble Dragon Slayer.” Let me explain. “Katie Noble Dragon Slayer” is my personal self-fan-fiction. It is based total on my life, with the assumption that I actually have a secret double life in which I slay dragons. The idea is that whatever it is that I am dealing with cannot possibly be more difficult that fighting a dragon, which I do… al the time. They are stories I tell myself, that I know aren’t real, about my real life, except with dragons. Stories I tell myself about how powerful and strong I am.

All of my adventures, assuming I lead a secret double life that involves dragons.

My trip to London, my first ever solo adventure, which went totally wrong. The official story was that I was there for a masters program and my visa got screwed up as well as the place I was going to stay and work falling through while I was on the plane. The “Katie Noble Dragon Slayer” story is much better, in which I had to appear before the dragon slaying council because I had violated the Official Magical Secrecy Act. Of course, I had, everyone at Camp calls me Katie Noble Dragon Slayer. It is a thing because when I was 17 I made a joke at Camp.

“Hello everyone, I’m Katie, Noble Dragon Slayer and I’m…”

“You’re who?”

Then there was my recent trip to Peru, an anthropological expedition to study the rare Peruvian spectacled dragon of Cusco. The silver necklace I brought back? Well that was obviously stolen from the dragon hoard. I haven’t decided yet if it is a powerful magical object or not, but when I decide that it is, I will also be telling an incredibly mundane and 98% false story of how I acquired it. It will not line up with the previously established dragon hoard story.

How can I possibly not handle whatever it is that is in front of me with all of those stories at my back?

Of course, I do not have a story yet for my mental breakdown in 2017, but give me a little more time, it will come to me.

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