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  • Writer's pictureKatrina J. Daroff

Her Husband

Updated: Mar 8, 2019

Poetry Challenge Week 18

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I'm going to be honest with you guys... I've got nothing for this poetry challenge. Absolutely nothing. My cup is bone dry... and has probably been sitting out long enough that it is gathering dust and needs to be run through the dishwasher again. Don't drink from it.

I had a couple of ideas throughout the week about the idea that God exists outside of time and therefore sees the person that I am supposed to marry as already being married to me (it's a weird concept that is difficult to explain which is why you won't find it in my book, Hopeless Case, about romance and faith and all of that stuff.) Then I woke up this morning and didn't remember any of it. That is why you should always carry a pen and a notebook.

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