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  • Writer's pictureKatrina J. Daroff


Project 52 Week 11

I don't have much to say this week, which is one of the reasons why this post is 2 days late. I have wasted a lot of energy on worry. F. Scot Fitzgerald said in an essay that Worry is just imagination with a leak in it. He is right. The more time I waste on worry the less imagination I have for other things. Yet I still worry, it frames my thoughts. I worry about tracking down funds in order to keep camp running and I worry about annoying the boy I like and I worry about getting all of my furniture moved or my bills paid and a million other things I have no control over. Then my thoughts get boxed in while my energy gets poured out on a whole lot of nothing. Which is why, I don't feel like I have much of anything to say. No pithy sarcastic statements. No poignant or funny things to say or teach. Just me, hanging around trying to patch a leak in my draining imagination.

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